€ 1 jusqu'à € 2.500.000

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Privacy Policy

This privacy policy applies to all personal data that we obtain about visitors by using our services on our website(s), regardless of whether you visit this website(s) as a (potential) buyer, tenant, seller, landlord or otherwise.

Data processing

Camping.immo handles the personal data of users of our website(s) with care. We process the following data from you, which may be personal data insofar as it can be traced back to you:

  • Account information. Information with which you create and use an account, such as e-mail address and password, account information and information that you store on the website.
  • Automatically generated data. For example IP addresses and browser data.
  • Correspondence information. For example, data in e-mails that you send to us or messages that you send to us via social media.
  • Feedback data. We use these to improve our services, such as information you enter on feedback forms or surveys related to our website(s) and our services or information you provide to us.
  • Information you provide to us. For example, the content of contact requests and other requests for services that we forward to the provider or broker at your request. When using the website, we collect location data as necessary to enable « map search » and the setting of a current location in a search.
  • Personalization data. For example, which objects you find interesting in order to personalize our services.

If you are a offeror / estate agent, we also process the following data from you in addition to the above data:

  • Offeror / estate agent data. Information about your company, presentation information for your company page, information about employees of your company, membership or certification, if applicable, address information, financial information, company profile.
  • Reviews. Information about reviews of you or your company, provided by sellers, landlords, tenants or buyers of the objects offered by you and any response to them.
  • Order information. The products or services you purchase.
  • Identification information. For example, a copy of your proof of identity in case of exercising your rights as a data subject.
  • Object data. Including photos, address details, floor plans, area and other characteristics of an object.
  • Sales data. The number and type of objects for rent / sale and actually brokered.

It is necessary to process personal data to provide and improve our services, as well as to keep our platform safe, fast and available. It is also necessary to process personal data in order for our customer contact to run smoothly. In addition, we use your personal data for marketing purposes, such as (market) analyzes, statistical research, sending newsletters, targeted advertisements and other content.

When we process personal data on the basis of the performance of the agreement or on the basis of a legal obligation, the provision of that personal data is a necessary condition to be able to use our services and products. We indicate optional fields as such.

We only keep your personal data for as long as we need it for the purpose for which we process it or to comply with our legal obligations.

Collaboration with third parties

Camping.immo cooperates with third parties. We can share (part of) your personal data with them.

If you leave data on our platform to purchase a particular service, we will (if necessary) share this data with the party that provides the service. Think of contact requests for a broker or provider. We can also collaborate, for example, with parties who take care of communication for us. We can also share data with our hosting parties, research and analysis agencies, advertising platforms, etc.

We publish object data on our website(s), making it visible to everyone who visits the website(s). We also send object data to visitors by e-mail. We also share object data via our social media channels. A visitor also has the option to share objects on social media or via email with others.

With advertisements from third parties on our platform, there is the possibility that third parties collect personal data, such as your click behavior on our website(s).

Camping.immo is a Dutch company, just like most of the companies we work with. Insofar as the third parties we work with process the personal data at a location outside the EU, they do so with due observance of appropriate safeguards.

Should it happen that one or more parts of Camping.immo is transferred to a third party, the personal data we process may also be transferred to this third party as part of this acquisition. If this situation arises, we will inform you about this in a timely manner via the website(s).

Social media

Camping.immo has profiles on social media channels such as Twitter and Facebook and links to them on our website(s). This privacy statement applies to the processing of personal data we obtain through a social media channel. For all information that the social media channel obtains from you, the privacy statement of this social media channel also applies.

You can also log in to our website(s) with a social media profile, for example via Facebook. Facebook will then provide us with your public profile and email address. We only store your e-mail address.

If you share an object from our website(s) via a social media channel, we will only forward the object’s information to the relevant social media channel. We can also post object data on our and other social media channels.

If a link is displayed on our website(s) to the website of another, such as a broker or provider, then the privacy and cookie policy of that website applies to the visit to that website.

View, modify and delete your personal data

You can always view, modify or delete your personal data that you have entered via your account. You can also contact us to view your personal data that we process free of charge. You can also request us to change or delete your personal data. We may also transfer personal data under certain circumstances.

Where we use your personal data based on your consent, you can withdraw that consent at any time. For example, if you have subscribed to a newsletter and no longer wish to receive it, it is always possible to unsubscribe (and thus withdraw consent) by clicking unsubscribe in a newsletter.

You can easily delete or block cookies and similar techniques yourself.

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This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.

