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Terms of Service

Camping.immo is a service that presents the European offer of campsites and similar businesses for rent, sale or lease on the Internet. This website is owned and maintained by Musgroep in Hoorn, The Netherlands, which is registered with the Dutch Chamber of Commerce under number 37084914.


These Terms of Service, the Privacy Policy and the Cookie Policy apply to the use of the Camping.immo website and services. If you do not agree with the content of these terms and policies, you should not use this website or our services.

Camping.immo reserves the right to unilaterally amend these Terms of Service without prior notice. The changes will take effect immediately unless stated otherwise. The announcement is made by publication on the website and / or sending a notification by email to all account holders. Your continued use of the Camping.immo website after the adjustments implies that you irrevocably accept these changes.


These Terms of Service apply to all agreements, all offers and all services of Camping.immo unless stated otherwise. Deviations from these Terms of Service are only valid if they have been explicitly agreed with you in writing.

Your rights and obligations

As a user of a Camping.immo website, you must behave and behave in all respects as may be expected of a responsible and careful internet user. Among other things, you are not permitted to use the (content of the) website for acts and / or conduct contrary to the law, public order or morality.

More specifically, the following actions and / or behaviors are prohibited:

  • infringe or otherwise act in violation of the intellectual property rights of Camping.immo and / or third parties;
  • making infringing, unlawful or misleading communications;
  • distributing legally prohibited material;
  • evade or remove the security of (parts of) the website.

You are not permitted to otherwise copy, modify, distribute, distribute, reverse engineer, decompile or otherwise use and / or use the published material made available without the prior written consent of Camping.immo.

In the event that you fail to comply with the aforementioned permitted use, Camping.immo reserves the right to recover from you any damage resulting from such unauthorized use.


By posting material (such as photos, texts, videos, drawings, etc.) on Camping.immo, you authorize Camping.immo to use it for publicity purposes. Some of the posted materials may be displayed through other distribution channels, such as non-affiliated websites, printed matter, advertisements, etc. By using the Camping.immo service, you agree that your material may be displayed through this and other distribution channels.

Camping.immo has the right to remove your material if Camping.immo receives a notice through its website or otherwise that it is unlawful, causes problems or otherwise violates any law and / or its policies.


Camping.immo is not liable for damage resulting from the use of the content of its website or of websites connected to the Camping.immo website, for example by means of hyper (text) link (s) or meta tag (s) . Furthermore, Camping.immo is not liable for damage, arising from or in connection with the use or impossibility thereof, of material available on its websites or obtained via cookies. Camping.immo is not liable for damage resulting from the use of services and / or information provided by third parties, which are offered via the Camping.immo websites.

Camping.immo is furthermore not liable for damage resulting from the use of electronic means of communication with its website, including – but not limited to – damage resulting from non-delivery or delay in the delivery of electronic messages, interception or manipulation of electronic messages by third parties or by software / equipment used for electronic communication and transmission of viruses. The above liability limitations do not apply if the damage is the result of intent or gross negligence on the part of Camping.immo.

Camping.immo does not guarantee that the information and material offered on the website is up to date, complete and / or accurate. Camping.immo also does not guarantee that the information offered on its websites is free of errors, defects and / or viruses. Camping.immo also does not guarantee that such errors and / or defects in the website will be repaired or viruses will be remedied.

If in doubt about the correctness of the data or if inaccuracies are found, we recommend that you contact the person who offers the relevant information (usually the selling entrepreneur or broker). Camping.immo is not liable for damage that is caused directly or indirectly by using the information you derive from Camping.immo.

You indemnify Camping.immo against all claims from third parties for damage they (claim to) have suffered as a result of the use of information on the Camping.immo website posted by you or by (legal) persons acting on your behalf or otherwise related to or arising from your use of the Camping.immo website.

Applicable law

Dutch law applies to these terms of use. A dispute about these terms of use will be submitted to a competent court in The Netherlands.
